Business Spring Cleaning Tips

cleaning serviceSpring may not seem like an occasion to cheer about at your business. After all it’s just another business day in Wisconsin, and business as usual. However, spring is an opportunity to clean out the clutter that has accumulated throughout the winter and get your office, shop and warehouse ready for all the business that comes your way.

Don’t feel like the brunt of your business spring cleaning needs to land squarely on one employee’s shoulders. After all, business spring cleaning is a task that should be done by every employee and coordinated with your commercial cleaning service for maximum effectiveness. A full spring cleaning should include, but not be limited, standard spring cleaning tips that keep your business running smoothly:

  1. Clean out the file cabinets. Determine what files need to kept for financial and business reasons, and shred excess papers from your file cabinets. For electronic files, delete old files, make sure that employees are following organization standards for your shared/common drive and your back-up system is regularly storing documents, graphics and financial records. When your system-wide electronic purging is complete, challenge your staff to do the same with their computers so they have a clean and organized PC as they do business.
  2. Clear off desks. Is the pile of papers on employee desks as tall as the staff? Though you’re all busy, set an hour or afternoon for spring cleaning desks and shared common cabinets. Bring in a shredder or large boxes for unneeded papers. Sort, organize and shred all unnecessary paper piles.
  3. Organize and inventory. In your warehouse and office, clean, sort and take inventory of office supplies, product and raw materials. Dust and take stock of what you have so you’re prepared to process orders and customer inquiries efficiently and expediently.
  4. Give the floors a professional cleaning. Spring means no more tracking snow, ice and salt across your warehouse and office floor. Take this opportunity to get your floors cleaned beyond regular vacuuming and an occasional spot clean. Hire a professional cleaning service to wax, polish and carpet clean your facility during business off hours.
  5. Keep your outside as maintained as your inside. If you own your building, or are have an agreement with your landlord to maintain the parking lot, pick up the parking lot, lawns and outside areas around your workplace. Hire a professional cleaning service to power wash the building, seal the parking lot and keep the exterior of your building looking professional and clean. Remember curb appeal matters when you’re dealing with a steady stream of customers, suppliers and community traffic.

To ensure that the interior and exterior of your building are part of the spring cleaning, hire a cleaning service that can make repairs, perform interior and exterior maintenance and clean your bathrooms, office space, warehouse and kitchen. With their assistance, your business spring cleaning can be a coordinated effort with a successful completion.

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